- "A Nonhomogeneous
Poisson Process Approach to the Optimal Selection from a Sequence of Relatively Best Objects", (with Mitsushi Tamaki, Qi Wang), 2024, Probability and Statistical Models in
Operations Research, Computer and Management Sciences, pp.135-166.
- "Rental Car Reservation Patterns in Island
Tourism: Case study in Shodoshima, Japan", (with Yu Ogasawara, Tatsuya Suzuki, Kimitoshi Sato), 2024, Journal of Vacation Marketing, In Press.
- "ウニとコンブの共生を目指した管理計画に関する数理モデルの提案", (with 川本 樹,
末永 慶寛), 2024, 土木学会論文集(海洋開発), 80(18), ID: 24-18146.#
- "人工魚礁の藻場造成機能と炭素固定に関する研究", (with 松居 俊典, 山本 貴史,
末永 慶寛), 2024, 土木学会論文集(海洋開発), 80(18), ID: 24-18061.
- "How did you perceive the
lifestyle changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?", (with Wataru Nozawa, Akinori Kitsuki), Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2024, 11,
Article No.70., pp.1-14.*#
- "To what extent will space debris impact the economy?", (with Wataru Nozawa, Kenichi Kurita, Shunsuke Managi),
Space Policy, 2023, 66, 101580, pp.1-24.
- "Research on improvement of ,marine environment using artificial reefs with a function to restore fisheries resources productivity and AI", (Takafumi Yamamoto,
Shinichiro Okazaki, Hidenori Yoshida, Yoshihiro Suenaga), Journal of Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology PACON International, 2023, 15(1),
- "YOLOとDeepSortを用いたプラスチック浮遊物の個数計測および質量推定",(with 三宅壮太, 石塚正秀, 山本高広),AI・データサイエンス論文集,2023,4(J3),pp.932-941.
- "Estimating urban spatial
structure based on remote sensing data", (with Masanobu Kii, Tatsuya Suzuki, Atsuko Nonomura), Scientific Reports, 2023, 13(1).
- "Technology for improving octopus resource productivity using artificial reefs and AI", (with Takafumi Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Suenaga, Shinichiro Okazaki, Hidenori
Yoshida), The GEOMATE International Society, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Structure, Engineering and Environment, 2022, 8, pp.344-349.
- "世帯効用モデルと基幹統計に基づく全国都市雇用圏の効用の推計",(with 紀伊 雅敦, 奥村 夏音, 梶谷 義雄, 鈴木 達也),都市計画論文集,2022,
58(1), pp.110-117.
- "YOLOv5を用いた赤外画像の解析による水位計測システムの開発",(with 三宅壮太, 石塚正秀, 山本高広, 松岡聡,
- "震災海域における海藻とウニの共生技術の開発",(with 山本 貴史, 岡崎 慎一郎, 吉田 秀典, 末永 慶寛), 土木学会論文集B3,2022, 78(2),
- "土地利用モデルのための建物階数を考慮した床生産関数の推計",(with 紀伊 雅敦, 梶谷 義雄, 鈴木 達也),土木学会論文集D3,2022,77(5)
- "Evaluating Public Transit Reforms for Shrinking and
Aging Populations: The Case of Takamatsu, Japan", (with Masanobu Kii, Yuki Goda, Tatsuya Suzuki), Future Transportation, 2021, 1(3).
- Study on Symbiotic System of Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus nudus) and Kombu (Saccharina japonica) in the Great East Japan Earthquake area" (with Yusuke BESSHO,
Hitomi NAKANISHI, Satoru TAKAHASHI, Tsuneo HONJO, Yoshihiro SUENAGA), Journal of Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology,2021,14(1).
- "AIを用いた人工魚礁内における岩礁性魚類の資源生産力向上に関する研究" (with 山本貴史, 岡崎慎一郎, 岡崎百合子, 吉田秀典, 末永慶寛),土木学会論文集B3,2021,77(2).
- "Efficiency by sectors in areas considering CO2 emissions: The Case of Japan" (with T. Miura, M. Kii, Y. Kajitani),
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2021,70,pp.514-528.#
- "Controlling CO2 emissions for each area in a region: the case of Japan" (with W. Nozawa, S.
Managi), Carbon Balance and Management, 2019, 14(19).*#
- "A Review of Four Case Studies Assessing the Potential for Hydrogen Penetration of the Future Energy System" (with A.
Chapman, K. Itaoka, K. Hirose, F. T. Davidson, K. Nagasawa, A. C. Lloyd, M. E. Webber, Z. Kurban, S. Managi, M. C. Lewis, R. E. Hebner, Y. Fujii), International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, 2019, 44(13), pp.6371-6382.
- "Effect of Environmental Awareness on Purchase Intention and Satisfaction Pertaining to Electric Vehicles in Japan" (with
T. Okada and S. Managi), Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2019, 67, pp.503-513.#
- "地球温暖化による海洋環境への影響と新技術の導入"(with 野澤亘,馬奈木俊介),土木学会論文集G,2018,74(2),pp.79-90.*#
- "On analytical
Models of Optimal Mixture of Adaptation and Mitigation Investments"(with W. Nozawa and S. Managi), Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, Vol. 186, pp.57-67.
- "Evaluation of the
Ocean Ecosystem: Climate Change Modelling with Backstop Technologies" (with W. Nozawa and S. Managi), Applied Energy, 2017, Vol.205, pp.428-439. *#
- "Inclusive Wealth of Regions: The
Case of Japan" (with S. Ikeda, H. Nakamura and S. Managi), Sustainability Science, 2017, Vol. 12(6), pp.991-1006.
- "Shadow Prices and
Production Inefficiency of Mineral Resources" (with K. Shin, H. Nakamura, H. Fujii and S. Managi), Economic Analysis and Policy, 2018, Vol. 57,
- "Efficiency and
Emissions from Urban Transport: Application to World City Level Public Transportation" (with H. Nakamura, H. Fujii and S. Managi), Economic Analysis and
Policy, 2019, Vol.61, pp.55-63.*
- "交通均衡問題を制約条件とした経済均衡モデルによる交通途絶被害分析の検討" (with 多々納裕一),土木学会論文集D3,2016,72(5),pp.191-200.*#
- "Evaluation method of restoration process for road networks after
volcanic eruption" (with H. Tatano), Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2014, pp.2693-2698.*#
- "降下火山灰による道路機能障害評価とその復旧順序決定手法の提案" (with
多々納裕一),自然災害科学, 2014, 33,特別号,pp.165-175.*#
- "東日本大震災による産業部門への経済被害の推計方法に関する研究" (with
- "相互依存性を考慮した港湾における防災投資行動分析" (with 多々納裕一,今井瑛介),土木学会論文集D3,2012,68(5),pp.155-166.*#
*:first author, #:corresponding author
"環境資源制約下での持続可能性の評価とSDGs" (with 馬奈木俊介, 中村寛樹, 村上進亮, 橋本征二, &吉川直樹) In 蟹江憲史(Eds.),持続可能な開発目標とは何か(2章)ミネルヴァ書房,
"VDICE: an integrated assessment model for climate, economy and ecosystem" (with W. Nozawa and S. Managi) In S. Managi (Eds.),
The Wealth of Nations and Regions (pp.74-90), New York, Routledge, 2016
- "On Optimal models of Adaptation and Mitigation Investment Problems" (with W. Nozawa and S. Managi) In S. Managi (Eds.),
The Wealth of Nations and Regions (pp.91-97), New York, Routledge, 2016
"環境資源制約下におけるSDGsのあり方と持続可能性" (with 中村寛樹,馬奈木俊介),2015,一般社団法人海外環境協力センター,OECC会報,pp.6-8